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Unblock Your Intuition: 3 Reasons It Might Be Off Right Now

Writer: Richard KnightRichard Knight

Updated: Dec 3, 2024

Every single time I hear someone say they are not intuitive, I want to help them…

Everybody is intuitive.

If your intuition feels elusive, it may be that you haven't trained yourself to listen to your intuition. 

Having said that, sometimes even the most intuitive people have an ‘off day’.

I certainly do, along with many other psychics I’ve known over the years. It’s perfectly normal and can be triggered by several things.

I’m going to share with you 3 big reasons why your intuition feels blocked, and I’ll give you some practical advice to help you get it back.

Make sure you read until the end, because I’ll be sharing a free resource that you can download to help you - my eBook Mindful Insights: Navigating Life With Meditation and Intuition. Some people say this book is like a masterclass in intuitive development. 

Don’t want to wait? Grab it here.

Intuition Block 1:

What’s going on with you?

Are you sleeping ok? Are you stressed? Are you going through a big life change or emotional upheaval?

These are things that can significantly affect the clarity of your intuition. 

If this is going on for you at the moment, please don’t worry. Take the time you need to deal with the things causing you stress and strong emotions. 

Your intuition isn’t going anywhere.

When faced with difficult life events, our bodies flood with stress hormones and our minds flood with negative thoughts. Sometimes it can be difficult to tap into our intuition with all this going on inside.

Prioritise your well-being. Practise deep breathing every day. Spend time with people you care about. Get out in nature and return to your intuitive practices when you feel a little better.

Intuition Block 2:

Are you doing too many left-brained things?

Your left brain is the analytical, sometimes critical part of you. It might sound negative, but you need it. 

Your left brain helps you think through problems logically. It helps you to be objective. It’s the part of your brain that is rational and task-orientated. 

Your right brain is the part that allows you to access your intuition. It’s also in charge of your creativity and imagination. 

Your right brain helps you finish tasks and solve problems differently - through creative thinking.

If you are neglecting the creative, imaginative side of you, it will be very difficult for your intuition to break through because it works via images and subtle impressions.

Intuition Block 3:


Is there a chance you don’t want to hear what your intuition has to say?

Often our intuition works perfectly well, but we are afraid to listen to it.

We all have fearful thoughts from time to time, and we all recognise them for what they are.

What if your intuition is telling you to get out of your comfort zone so you can grow?

Perhaps it’s telling you to do that thing you’ve always wanted to do… or call that person you’ve lost touch with… or be brave and take that holiday you’ve always dreamed of.

Sometimes when we are given an opportunity to grow, fearful thoughts and old programming jump in and tell us we are being silly, or we are too old, or we will fail. 

My 2 Top Tips for Unblocking Your Intuition:

My students hear me talk about these two things all the time because they are so effective at helping you develop your intuition - and recognise when and why it's blocked.

Intuition Tip 1:

My number one tip is to practise mindfulness and meditation. With a calm, still mind you'll naturally activate your intuition and help its messages come through with good clarity. 

Meditation and mindfulness relax you so that you can operate from the right side of your brain more easily. They also help to put distance between you and your negative thoughts, fears and programming so you can be 100% sure that you are receiving intuitive messages.

Intuition Tip 2:

Next time you’re in a shop, buy yourself a notebook and dedicate it to developing your intuition. Use it daily to write down your thoughts and feelings, and then reflect on them objectively.

If you get intuitive ‘hits’ write them down in this book too. Over time you will develop a strong relationship with your intuition and recognise its voice, V’s your day-to-day stream of thoughts.

And remember, it’s ok if you have an 'off day'. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have a fully functioning intuition all the time.

Want my intuition book? 

Here’s the link to the eBook I told you about earlier. Enjoy!


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